Francesca Milano - DORS

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Francesca Milano

Tidligere Indkaldelser
Dansk Ortodontisk Selskab - v/Specialtandlæge Palle Svanholt - Soløsevej 13 - DK- 2820 Gentofte - Tlf. 39 65 87 99 e-mail:
5. september 2016
 Der afholdes faglige møder:

 Mandag d 10. oktober kl. 19.30 på Odontologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet 
Tirsdag d. 11. oktober kl. 19.30 i Haderup-auditoriet, Odontologisk Institut, KU
Medbring venligst denne mødeindkaldelse og vis den til portvagten.
Indgangen er fra Nørre Allé 20. Det er ikke muligt at parkere på Parkeringspladsen på Panum, men det er mod betaling muligt at holde i De Gamles By med indkørsel gennem porten over for Nørre Allé 20.
Dr. Francesca Milano
Specialist in orthodontics, DMD Dentistry Scientific Director for the Italian Society of Dental Sleep Medicine SIMSO
“The Role of the Orthodontist  in the Multidisciplinary Approach to OSAS Patient”
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a common sleep-related breathing disorder, associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality, neurocognitive impairment and medical problems as stroke, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes. A combination of antomical and /or pathophysiological factors has been implicated in the aetiology of OSAS and, for this reason, the management of these patients must be carried out by a multidisciplinary team.
The orthodontist has a key role in the team for the early screening, the diagnosis, the treatment and the prevention of obstructive sleep apnea. The lecture will focus on the orthodontist’s role in a medical interdisciplinary collaboration.
Francesca Milano earned her degree as specialist in orthodontics from University of Ferrara. She has been working in the field of Dental Sleep Medicine since 2002, when her thesis became the start of a long collaboration with the Sleep Medicine Centre of Sant’Orsola Hospital of Bologna. After that time, many patients have been successfully treated with mandibular advancement devices (MADs) and scientific articles have been published. Now Francesca Milano collaborate in sleep apnea research with Ferrara University, Italy. She has lectured extensively on the topic of dental Sleep medicine and she is a Board Member of the European Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine. She is Board certified in Dental Sleep Medicine by the Italian and the European Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.  

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