Julia Naoumova - DORS

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Julia Naoumova

Tidligere Indkaldelser
Dansk Ortodontisk Selskab - v/Specialtandlæge Palle Svanholt - Soløsevej 13 - DK- 2820 Gentofte - Tlf. 39 65 87 99 e-mail: dors@post.tele.dk     www.d-or-s.dk
30. oktober 2016
 Der afholdes faglige møder:
Mandag d 21. november kl. 19.30 på Odontologisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet 
Tirsdag d. 22. november kl. 19.30 i Haderup-auditoriet, Odontologisk Institut, KU
Medbring venligst denne mødeindkaldelse og vis den til portvagten.
Indgangen er fra Nørre Allé 20. Det er ikke muligt at parkere på Parkeringspladsen på Panum, men det er mod betaling muligt at holde i De Gamles By med indkørsel gennem porten over for Nørre Allé 20.
Dr. Julia Naoumova
Consultant orthodontist,
At the Specialist clinic of Orthodontics in Gothenburg
“Interceptive treatment of palatal displaced canines”
What is the current evidence?
Early diagnosis and treatment of palatally displaced canines are crucial since they may cause resorption of neighboring teeth. Therefore treatment of displaced and impacted canines is one of the most prioritized treatments in orthodontics. In this presentation, the current knowledge of interceptive treatment of palatally displaced canines will be discussed as well as the current evidence about surgical exposure of impacted canines. Finally, areas of clinical care that require further research and research that are ongoing will be included.
Julia Naoumova is a consultant orthodontist at the Specialist clinic of Orthodontics in Gothenburg, Sweden. She is active in teaching and training undergrad students at the Institute of Odontology, Gothenburg and she is also supervising several research projects at the postgraduate program in Orthodontics, Gothenburg. She undertook her Bachelor in Dental Surgery in 2005 and her Master in Dental Surgery in 2007 from the University of Malmö, Sweden. She obtained her specialization in Orthodontics in 2010 in Gothenburg and took her PhD in 2014 from the University in Gothenburg with the PhD thesis: “Interceptive treatment of palatally displaced canines, studies of treatment effect and patients’ perception and methodological evaluation of 3D measurements of CBCT”. Her main research interests are: clinical trials of interceptive orthodontics, disorders about erupting pattern of canines and molar teeth and orthodontic treatment of impacted teeth.
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